Marina Rinaldi’s SS2012 Collection Is a Clash of 70s Brights

Marina Rinaldi is one of the world’s foremost fashion designers. Indeed, she is one of the dominant figures in fashion shows in the world’s fashion capital, Paris. Basically, just like all major fashion designers, she is able to create styles and designs that are always on par with the times.

Thus spring-summer 2012 (SS2012), the fashion icon will focus on the so-called colour blocking. What does colour blocking mean? Basically, this term has come to describe a kind of fashion statement which involves the use of a rainbow of colors creating a dazzling array of contrasts and shades. Indeed, this color blocking is expected to make the spring and summer seasons livelier and funnier than before.

Basically, the idea of using multiple color combinations actually originated sometime in the 1970s. As we may observe, this fashion icon that we are talking about is an avid and loyal creator of clothing styles which possess gray and back colors creating an aura of gloom and melancholy. Indeed, this may come as a surprise to those observers and Rinaldi loyalists.

However, one must not really be disappointed. Basically, this 1970’s style promises plentiful surprises that will bring back classic memories of the 1970s. After all, looking back to the past, we will see that the 1970s is really the era of fashion explosion. Indeed, it is not really to say that this is an era of fashion refinement, but this was the golden age of designers and fashion lovers alike. At this point, fashion experimentation was highly popular. Colour blocking was one of the products of such experimentation.

If we are to analyze the mental description alone, we might see something that is awkwardly outrageous. After all, some colors are meant to be in harmony with others, while others are not meant to be with other specific colors. However, with Marina’s creations, we will not be able to feel an iota of awkwardness in the creations. Indeed, these new designs for SS2012 will definitely be a stark contrast to the ‘dark and gloomy’ creations of the AW2011. It is not to say, however, that those creations were unpleasant because they definitely were.

If you were new to the world of fashion, you might think that the color blocking employment is a bit weird. However, thanks to intensely wonderful graphics and amazing color combinations, we will experience nothing less than the creation of the best contemporary designer Paris has produced: Marina Rinaldi.

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