Top 5 Modeling Myths That May Affect Your Confidence

Modern times in modeling are changing, and a lot of such information that has been circulated since the past is becoming false. We reveal 5 modeling myths so that you can be more informed and more confident to come forward to be a model.

1. You need to be size zero

This might have been true in the past where skinny was frequently related to a model. Today the industry is changing and there is, in fact, a good market for plus-size models and variety of sizes is accepted. Many of the top modeling agencies have accepted that curvy models are in demand and appeal to the market.

2. You have to be very tall

There may be strict height requirements for runway and high fashion modeling that is still in place, however, most other categories ranging from commercial, catalog, print and many other forms are more open to short heights. There is even a modeling category called petite modeling these days. It is also not impossible to break into high fashion, seeing the example of Kate Moss who was one of the first models to break into to the Supermodel scene with a height around 5’6″ or 1.67m. As long as you are passionate about the industry, you can see tremendous success being a model.

3. You are too old for modeling

Heard of senior or mature modeling? Yes, age is not a barrier for modeling! Anyone can be a model as far as you have the energy and dedication to take part and have an eventful life, modeling is for you.

4. You have to take professional photographs beforehand

If you have the time and money for it, sure go ahead, but it’s not a must. Agencies don’t expect you to be a pre-made model with all the professional photos and experience in place. What they are looking for is mostly, a fresh face that has a good attitude to develop into a professional model that will sign on with the agency for as long as possible. For starters, your smartphone quality cameras will be enough for signing up. The professional photos will be taken by the agency, the way they require it.

5. It is very easy to be rich and famous

This is a very common misconception. People watch Victoria’s Secret runway, or read vogue magazines and believe that is what a model is. Well yes, but reaching those standards isn’t going to be an overnight phenomenon. Often at the start, you will have to sideline profits and invest time and energy in building your reputation and a good track record first. Once clients start recognizing you and the agency believes in your potential, that’s when you will see a steady and good income source and start getting popular.

With that, we hope to have dispelled away some of the doubts and rumors about modeling.

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